Scimitar Tactical Software

The Scimitar Tactical software provides an intuitive and easy to use means of viewing live video and sensor data for situation awareness as well as fusing data for later post-incident analysis.
With a low system footprint Scimitar Tactical is able to run on a PC tablet or laptop, but is also able to scale up for larger command and control environments. It is also possible to link Scimitar to remote systems via satellite or similar remote link to share selected information as required.
Sensor Feeds
Live data can be viewed in real-time and recorded from a wide range of sensors. Sensors can include:
• Video
• Audio
• Biometric
• Spherical 360° photography
• Other sensors, such as CBRN can be customised as required.
Sensors are placed on a dynamically updated map view showing the location of operators and other assets, with data automatically being entered onto a visual timeline for easy analysis post-incident. Scimitar provides at a glance who is where, when and what they are seeing as the story unfolds.
Compatible sensor feeds can be transmitted in real-time via a number of different COFDM/MANET radio system types from the operator at the front to the incident control point. This data can then be viewed live within Scimitar Tactical. Although Scimitar Tactical Kit comes with a set of compact purpose designed radios, the software has also been designed to be compatible with Trellisware and Persistent Systems (MPU4 and MPU5) and other similar IP based radio systems.
Other post-incident sensor data can be imported into the same timeline session (TSR) as the live data to build up a fuller picture of what happened after an incident or event.

Fusing Data for Clarity
All multi-source data entered into Scimitar is fused into an ordered and meaningful package of information that links users with their sensors, making sense of time and geospatial information as an incident unfolds. Multiple sensor feeds can therefore be played-back in synchonisation, updating the asset locations on maps at different points in time as the media is replayed.
Playing Back Data
When Scimitar plays back data all of the sensor, values, video streams, locations change dynamically as the timeline moves. From here specific parts of the timeline can be exported for analysis as required.